Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Media study assignment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Media study assignment 1 - Essay Example It has attracted movies like Gran Torino, Up in the Air, and Scream bring more than 8,000 in one year and saved the movies more than $223 million in 2009. It is a testament of how tax cuts from several movies can save so much, an amount that could be reinvested on other movies. Proposed Policy Many movie and TV studios actually openly state that a huge part of their expense goes to taxes. On the other hand, there is another sector that complains about having the right ideas that could progress the quality of the movie and tv industry but not having enough funding to pursue these ideas. If five movies total more than $200 million in taxes, reallocating taxes from two movies of every movie and TV studio to fund independent film. Monumental movies like Memento, Run Lola Run, Primer and Clerks were all made for under $100,000. Many of the movies that Hollywood licensed such as The Eye and Shutter were all made under $10,000. $200 million yearly could easily fund 100 movies that could com pletely turn around the quality of movies coming from Hollywood. Benefits and Disadvantages of the Policy The greatest benefit of providing support to the new filmmakers follows the same model of the commercial market. In the commercial market, when people spend their money on goods and services, it stimulates the economy by increasing the demand. The business owners, in turn, produce more good which offers move jobs to people. This will give people more spending the power. That will start the whole process again. This model will follow the same process. As the government reallocate the money back to the market, it gives more jobs to people which allow them to have more spending power to support more movies. As more movies make money, more movies will be produced. The greatest benefit will, of course, be the probable increase in quality of the movies that are being produced as new talents are discovered. The only disadvantage that is in clear trajectory is the loss that government w ill incur. $200 million worth of tax is a huge cut from government funding. That could very well be going to infrastructure project, funding for Small and Medium Enterprise, education and other essential projects. Political, Social, or Cultural Issues that will be Addressed Art is important. It is, in a sense, the conscience of a nation and it must be nurtured the same way it is critical to nurture the conscience of a country. The film industry is part of art it is, primarily, a cultural issue. Hollywood, movie making, and television is a great influence in American culture, to some it is also a reflection of the American culture. When its growth is stunted, a huge part of the culture also goes away. American movies have served as a great influence in many other countries to pursue the growth of their own industry. The other more obvious consequence is the money that the movie industry contributes to the economy of the United States of America. In 2010, the movie industry contribute d an estimated $10.89 billion in direct revenue alone. The TV industry could easily double that figure. How it Supports Free Speech Giving filmmakers the ammunition to produce more movies is equivalent to providing them more platforms where they can express the messages they will not be able to say otherwise. Memento, for example, was the very first film that brought forward short memory loss disease. It raised awareness about this disease which, apparently, was more common than initially perceived to be. Primer, a

Monday, October 28, 2019

Outline and evaluate Essay Example for Free

Outline and evaluate Essay Outline and evaluate the view that the role of youth culture is to assist in the transition from childhood to adulthood (33 marks) The view that youth culture is a transitory phase is a functionalist idea which comes under the process of social integration where individuals become integrated into different social groups so they have a sense of belonging. Parsons (1954), argued that youth culture provides a bridge from childhood to adulthood by enabling young people to become more independent and detached from their parents. This takes the view of youth culture being a ‘rite of passage’. Eisenstadt (1956) suggested youth culture bound young people together and formed a sense of community stemming from a shared way of life. There are some criticisms of the functionalist approach such as the emphasis of shared features which means they ignore the differences between youth subcultures, a Marxist would argue these differences are important and cannot be ignored. Another argument against functionalism would the focus on age specific groups which misses an opportunity to look at youth as a state of mind able to be felt by anyone regardless of age. Marxists pay more attention to subcultures than functionalists and their theories are associated with the CCCS. The CCCS is considered neo-Marxist and their view of youth subcultures is that they are a product of structural explanations such as the economy and social class rather than general explanations such as age. Hall and Jefferson (1976) believed youth subcultures are a form of resistance to the ‘crisis of capitalism’. Through adopting a subcultural style youths were able to reject the dominant culture. Clarke (1976), who studied skinhead culture, believed that through the subculture they were able to exaggerate their working class background and hold on to tradition in the face of the extinction of working class communities. Brake (1980) suggested youth subcultures provide ‘magical’ solutions by providing safety from problems and an opportunity to express freedom and new ideas. The subculture allows them to convince themselves they will be able to solve the problems of their time but the solutions aren’t able to be sustained in reality, thus the reason they are referred to as magical. Marxists are accused of ignoring the involvement of girls in subcultural groups and issues of ethnic identity. There is also an assumption in the CCCS work that most youths joined subcultures which is debateable as it is possible many were ‘ordinary youths’. The CCCS are also criticised of looking too far into the reasons why youths join subcultures, perhaps many of them joined just for fun. There have also been accusations of Marxists ignoring the role of the media in the formation of youth subcultures. The main argument feminists make is that other approaches largely ignore the role of females in subcultures. McRobbie and Garber (1976) were critical of the work the CCCS for this reason. Their research on female subcultures identified a ‘Bedroom culture’ which features included experimenting with make-up and hairstyles, discussing boys and magazines. There are few studies of all-girl subcultures but one that has been in the USA are the ‘Riot Grrrls’ who use powerful image forms of communication to display their anger and feelings of oppression. The feminist view focuses mainly on gender related issues and has been criticised for this but this approach seems to suggest the role of youth culture for girls, in the case of bedroom culture, is to share information about their personal life and gain advice to help them through the transitional phase and in the case of the Riot Grrrls to express themselves and challenge the dominant culture which is perceived to be male oriented. Postmodernists believe that youth style has become increasingly fragmented over the years. They argue that shared attachments are not the norm in the UK as youth styles are viewed as fluid changeable and eclectic. Bennett (1999) called these fluid and complex youth styles ‘Neo-tribes’. People can move in and out of these neo-tribes over time which reflects the transitory nature of youth. An example of a neo-tribe would be club culture. Polemus (1997) noted the ‘supermarket of style’ available to youths. They are able to choose from different fashions, music tastes and identities and mix them together to form their own. Postmodernist views have been criticised as there are still examples of subcultures in the present day such as goths or emos. The idea of fluidity may also be overstated as most young people don’t move in and out of neo-tribes over long periods of time. In conclusion, all of the approaches in a sense agree with youth culture being part of becoming an adult through increased independence and self-expression. It involves young people exploring their newfound responsibilities and freedoms along with ways to deal with any problems they face as a consequence.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Holiday of Ramadan :: Ramazan Islam Religion

Ramazan is fast approaching, evoking excitement and anticipation in people of all ages. The very thought of it conjures up images of a splendid month of fasting and the general spirit of well-wishing and generosity. No mention of Ramazan would be complete without referring to the special food and drink prepared during this month. Samosas, special sweets and drinks all lighten up the dinner table as families sit down together for Iftaar. But the change in eating, sleeping and working habits during the month affect our health more adversely than otherwise. Excessive sleeping and eating, obesity, heartburn, constipation, lethargy and disturbed routines are problems that have mushroomed in recent years due to our own mishandling of this auspicious month. However, to ensure a fruitful and fulfilling Ramazan this year, we need to keep some important things in mind. As the month approaches, prepare yourself both mentally and physically. Make an effort to unburden yourself at work by getting more done in the preceding month. It is important to try and reorganise your routine ahead of Ramazan, to ease the transition and to shift the workload appropriately when the need arises. As Ramazan draws nearer, it is very important to make a sincere effort to switch to healthier eating habits, no matter how impossible it may seem when you actually get there. Starting the practise early can help. During the time leading up to Ramazan, adopt simple and healthier eating habits, like eating only when hungry and leaving a portion of the stomach empty. This will make your body more active, light and full of energy by stimulating the utilisation of internal energy reserves. Many children also enjoy going to Tarawih with elders, even though it means returning home late and tired. There is a sense of novelty with the totally different schedule and activities that Ramazan is made up of, and the enjoyment that children derive from it is something that only they can understand. As they grow older, you can see their enthusiasm wearing off.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hartshorne and Nishida Re-envisioning the Absolute :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers

Hartshorne and Nishida Re-envisioning the Absolute ABSTRACT: This paper is a comparative study of Hartshorne's neoclassical reconsideration of the notion of the Absolute based on his Whiteheadian vision of the divine relativity, and Nishida's attempt at redefining the same notion against the background of what he calls the philosophy of "place" (Jpn., basho) of absolute Nothingness or Buddhist Emptiness. By reconsidering the notion of the Absolute, Hartshorne has come up with the standpoint of "Surrelativism," and Nishida's attempt has resulted in the standpoint of "absolute dialectic as guided by the principle of the self-identity of absolute contradictions." What I intend to do in this paper is study comparatively Charles Hartshorne's neo-classical re-consideration of the notion of the Absolute based upon his Whiteheadian vision of the "divine relativity" and Nishida Kitaro's attempt at re-defining the same notion against the background of what he calls the philosophy of the "place" (Jpn., basho) of absolute Nothingness or Buddhist Emptiness. By reconsidering the notion of the Absolute Hartshorne has come up with the standpoint of "Surrelativism" in his Divine Relativity (1948). And Nishida's attempt at redefining the same notion has resulted in the standpoint of "absolute dialectic as guided by the principle of the self-identity of absolute contradictories" in his "The Logic of Place and the Religious Worldview" (written in 1945; published posthumously in 1946). Hartshorne belongs, as leader, to the second generation of Whiteheadian process-relational thought in North America. By contrast, Nishida is the founder of what is usually called the Kyoto School of philosophy in Japan; deeply inspired by Zen, Nishida vigorously engaged in a wholehearted, laborious encounter with the West philosophically throughout his career. But what I can commonly perceive in the two philosophers is a noticeable philosophical phenomenon: namely, the notion of the Absolute has undergone a profoundly significant process of self-transcendence/self-transformation in either of the two philosophical systems in such a way that one now begins to identify one's own position as "panentheism." Hartshorne and Nishida both negate and transcend the traditional notion of the Absolute as "transcendence"; in this sense, they both tend to be radically affirmative of the "immanence of the Absolute." And yet at this very juncture they both decidedly deny the linkage of their respective standpoints with that of Spinoza's "pantheism." Hence, panentheism. But how so? In what follows let me try to answer and elucidate this question as much as I can. For I perceive

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Do Truth and Right Change over the Course of History Essay

Interpretations of the concepts of Truth and Right absolutely change over the course of time. The most important reason for this is that, as time moves on, technology improves, political leaders change, and the social constructs of â€Å"good† are warped to fit the needs of the people. Whether or not the core definition of Truth and Right change is completely open to interpretation, because these internal ideals are subject to the development and growth of the person holding them. The ideas of Truth and Right are ideas developed by social psychology that are completely open to change depending on authoritarian figures and the development of social thought. I would like to re-establish my previous point; Truth and Right are social constructs. This means that the common interpretations of Truth and Right are based on social and environmental psychology, which, no one can disagree, plays a huge role in the development of ideas of â€Å"good† and â€Å"bad†. Social psychology is the scientific study of how people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. The terms thoughts, feelings, and behaviors include all of the psychological variables that are measurable in a human being. The statement that others may be imagined or implied suggests that we are prone to social influence even when no other people are present, such as when watching television, or following internalized cultural norms (Wikipedia). Studies over the years have shown that people are more likely to behave according to the social norm when they think they are being watched. In not-so-unrealistic novels such as 1984, the people of the society behave in a fashion deemed acceptable by their leader because they think they are being watched. Even more important is how authority figures influence the behaviors and actions of the masses. In the famous Milgram Experiment, Stanley Milgram sought to determine how far people would go when ordered by an authoritarian figure. The experiment involved giving electrical shocks, increasing in voltage, to a person behind a wall for every wrong answer they gave to a set of questions handed to the actual test subject. The subject, unaware that the shocks were, in fact, fake, was urged to keep going by the test giver, despite shouts and complaints coming from the other side of the wall after every shock. The results were, of course, terrifying. Milgram found that over 65% of the test subjects administered the final shock, consisting of 450-volts (Atkinson). The results of this experiment point to a more terrifying idea. People are essentially sheep; for the most part, they will listen to anyone that looks important or holds authority. This can be detrimental to the ideas of Truth and Right that are generally agreed upon in modern society. We do the things we do because authoritarian figures tell us to. No one is free from this; if everybody did what they wanted all the time, nothing would ever get done. But at what point is enough enough? We like to think we don’t listen to anybody. We like to think we won’t steal or rape or murder because it’s wrong. But, at the core of it, it is because most people are scared of punishment. Political leaders learn this and manipulate it to sway people in their favor. The simple fact that people will listen to authority automatically changes their view of Truth and Right. If the man with the gun to your head says what you’re doing is wrong, eventually, you will believe what you are doing is wrong. An authoritarian, Big Brother society can easily be structured. Some people may argue that demonstrations such as Occupy Wall Street counteract my argument. However, they fail to see that the right to protest is also a social construct. People have developed the idea that protesting when regulations are unfair is Right because, in this country, it is not punished. Once police beatings, pepper sprayings, and riot officers show up, the numbers of protesters will drop dramatically. In other countries, people do not think it is right to protest, even peacefully, because their society severely punishes them for it. Their ideas of Truth and Right are shaped by the society they live in. Right now, our society can be seen as unstable and in a state of turmoil. Financially, we are in a huge mess, and it won’t be long before the strife will lead to violent reactions. It’s times of political strife that our ideas of Truth and Right are manipulated and changed by authoritarian figures. Through social psychology, political leaders can essentially control people and their internal thoughts on the concepts of Truth and Right, showing that they most definitely do change over the course of time, dependant on who is in power.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Management Issues Most Relevant Motivational Theory

Management Issues Most Relevant Motivational Theory Introduction Most employees consider the level of payment and the workplace conditions before accepting a particular employment position in a company. Once they are employed, there is little improvement in their productivity. Different workers will respond positively to different motivational factors depending on which level in the hierarchy of needs they value most.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Management Issues: Most Relevant Motivational Theory specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Workers in lower ranks may still be struggling to satisfy their physiological needs and thus a pay rise would motivate them. Job contracts have been used in modern times whereby an employee is paid according to his output. This is limited because some contract jobs require team work. It can only work for workers with certain levels of wage rates. To a majority of workers, the most effective motivational factor may fall under the considera tion of social needs and sense of belonging. Motivational factors Among the three factors which are job enlargement, job enrichment, and empowerment, I consider empowerment as the most effective motivational factor. This is because it can be used to motivate a wide range of workers from different job levels and departments. Employees are able to plan their work according to what they consider the most important procedure. This gives employees a sense of belonging, and motivates innovation. Empowerment also assures those who are shaping their careers of accumulating experience. Productivity will improve because the workers minds are open. They can lay procedures in ways they consider most efficient because they are the ones in the actual workplace. The management can wait for the final product to check performance. Management can count the number of products and test their quality. Employees are able to build a reputation of good performance which before was taken only by the top man agers. I consider self actualization as the most important aspect of motivational theories. This is because it combines the effects of other factors such as the recognition of effort and performance. It also gives opportunity for promotion and improvement.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Attributes of this generation This generation exists in a time when productivity is high because of technological advancement, and the low number of employees used per unit. In a developed country, the cost of living is high but a majority of workers are able to afford their physiological needs without much strain. It is also good to note that any job will serve the basic needs first. However, the middle level groups no longer view their basic needs as threatened. They prefer a workplace that gives them a sense of responsibility by allowing them to act rationally as masters of thei r working space. Modern employees despise close supervision. This generation believes in building a career that lasts through ones lifetime. They expect to move from a low ranking employee position to the top management. They expect wage rates to increase as one goes up the rank of his/her profession not only by increasing productivity but also by increased responsibility. Conclusion Self actualization is the most effective aspect of motivation in today’s generation. This is because it combines a majority of considerations like career development and recognition. The productivity of modern economies relies in the middle class groups who no longer feel threatened about their physiological needs. However, employees would also consider what competitors offer in comparison to their workplace.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How fear and suspense is formed during the two short stories The Landlady and A terribly strange bed Essays

How fear and suspense is formed during the two short stories The Landlady and A terribly strange bed Essays How fear and suspense is formed during the two short stories The Landlady and A terribly strange bed Paper How fear and suspense is formed during the two short stories The Landlady and A terribly strange bed Paper Essay Topic: Literature Both of these stories have different settings. In the Landlady, the setting was Bath, England. In A terribly strange bed, the setting is Paris, France. Both of these factors cause problems when comparing the two stories. This is because the stories were written at two different times and the culture is very different in both of these countries. The currency is also different, and the language seems to be more complex, again due to the dates that these stories were written in. The Landlady was written in 1960 by Roald Dahl, and A terribly strange bed was written in 1856 by Wilkie Collins. Both of these stories deal with fear and suspense by using various techniques to keep the reader in suspense. I will try to compare and contrast the different methods used by both authors within the next few paragraphs. When the first paragraph of The Landlady begins, the audience is made aware of the surroundings. Roald Dahl starts to create fright/anticipation by providing an in depth account into the background of the story. The account set, describes to the audience the atmosphere and gives us an insight into the kind of weather conditions within the scene. The audience is told the air is deadly cold, and the wind as flat as a blade of ice cutting against his cheek. This descriptive opening to the story suggests that Billy is in a hostile environment. By doing this the author is generating apprehension and expectancy. In A terribly strange bed we are first told of the date then the setting. The date was 1856 and the setting was France. This in itself is a major difference to The Landlady, because the setting is a different country and the date nearly 100 years earlier. We as an audience are told that the main character Monsieur Faulkner wants to go to a gambling house. The type of atmosphere in this gambling house creates suspense for the character. We are told that in this gambling residence there was a mute silence, and that no-body spoke. The quiet in the room was horrible, The dirty wrinkled old man, with the vulture eyes and the darned greatcoat, who had just lost his last sou (Small coin of low value), still looked on desperately after he could play no longer, never spoke. This quote has created apprehension by giving the audience pictographic images in their minds of the setting and the type of people found there, and by suggesting that Monsieur Faulkner is in a threatening atmosphere. Billy Weaver is seventeen-years-old. He was wearing a new navy-blue overcoat, a new brown trilby hat, and a new brown suit. He walks briskly, as he has decided that Briskness was the one common characteristic of all successful businessmen. Billy is trying hard to become a businessman, because he knows that businessmen are successful. We also learn that he is gullible, weary, uncertain, and cautious and that he takes people at face value. We notice that Billy takes the landlady at face value when he says: The old girl is slightly dotty, but at five and sixpence a night, who gives a damn about that? We notice during the story that the landlady is quite peculiar. From the first sentence we notice that something isnt quite right with her. When she opens the door, it seems as if she is expecting Billy to arrive. We know this through a number of different quotes: But Im always ready day and night in the house just on the off chance that an acceptable young gentleman will come along, and it is such a pleasure, my dear, such a very great pleasure when now and again I open the door and see someone standing there who is exactly right, this is further enhanced by I noticed that the bed covers were put back ready for someone to get into the bed. These all suggest that the landlady is expecting Billy to arrive at the Bed and Breakfast. These quotes also create anticipation because we wonder why she is so eager for him to stay? In contrast to the Landlady and Billy Weaver, Monsieur Faulkner is an upper class, middle aged man who is looking for some excitement and danger in his life. We know that he is upper class because of little clues in the dialogue, for example: In short, I had hitherto frequented gaming-tables-just as I frequented ballrooms and opera houses- because they amused me, and because I had nothing better to do with my leisure hours. This suggests that he enjoys social events, and that he can afford to go to these types of leisure events. Another example of Monsieur Faulkner being upper class is that he says that he has been to every gaming table in Europe. This is another clue that suggests that he can afford to travel around Europe. We meet the old soldier as Monsieur Faulkner starts to win a substantial amount of money on the gambling table called Rouge et Noir(Red and Black). The Old Soldier was described in detail; Monsieur Faulkner describes him as a suspicious specimen. He then goes on to describe the soldiers appearance: goggling-bloodshot eyes, mangy mustachios, and a broken nose. He had the dirtiest pair of hands I had every saw, even in France. The soldier seems to have a plan for Monsieur Faulkner as he involves himself in his winnings. There are a few similarities in throughout the two stories, one of these being the two different plots during the stories. In the Landlady the conspiracy was to lure Billy into the house and to poison him with a preserving chemical, as we believe that she wants to preserve his body when he has died. In A terribly strange bed the plot wasnt developed until Monsieur Faulkner had won a substantial amount of money at the gambling table, but when this had happened the plan was to try and keep him at the gambling residence and to somehow steal his money, or nearer to the point murder him for his money. Another similarity during these two stories is that both characters are described to be in hostile environments. For Billy the hostile environment was a Deadly cold small town called Bath in England, and for Monsieur Faulkner it was a gambling residence in Paris, France. Both of the main protagonists are also lured to their fate by a surreal sense of security, with Billy it was that he was staying in a Bed and Breakfast with the landlady, and for Monsieur Faulkner it was a gambling residence that had many door locks and much residential security objects. Tension builds up in these stories when Billy finds out that there have only been two guests in past three years before him at this Bed and Breakfast. It is also built up when Billy seems to recognise both names in the guest-book as if they had been famous for the same type of thing, and when the landlady says But my dear boy, he(Mr Mulholland)never left. Hes still here. Mr Temple is also here. Theyre on the third floor, both of them together. This quote also creates a type of anxiety among the readers, because questions would be travelling around the mind of a reader. The two main characters of the stories are trying to seek excitement and danger during these stories. Billy seeks the excitement; he does this by moving to a new town for a job promotion. We presume that this is Billys first trip away from his home in London so this would be exciting for him. On contrast to this story, A terribly strange beds main character Monsieur Faulkner seeks both excitement and danger. He does this by suggesting to his friend let us go somewhere where we can see a little genuine, blackguardism, poverty-stricken gaming, with no false gingerbread glitter thrown over it all. He seeks the excitement by going to a underground gambling residence. He then seeks the danger by winning prodigiously and then socialising with the lower class and poverty-stricken players of the table. The authors brought fright into The Landlady by leaving us on a cliffhanger. Roald Dahl does this as we find out that the tea Billy had been drinking was drugged, and when Billy asks the landlady a question Has there been anyone here since Gregory Temple or Christopher Mulholland within the last two or three years? And she replies no my dear, only you! . This has created unease because there is an open ending to the story and we can presume that anything couldve happened to Billy. In A terribly strange bed, the fear factor of the story is introduced when Monsieur Faulkner is staying overnight at the gambling residence, and he realises that the bed above him is descending upon him. As the readers of the book, we fear for his life, whether he will live or die but fortunately he realises the bed is coming down upon him. Both of these parts create a sense of fear within the stories. In this essay I have identified the fear/suspense factors of both The Landlady and A terribly strange bed and described how the author has portrayed this in both stories. The stories both have a similar plot to them, both main characters were in hostile environments, they were both tricked into staying at a place where they didnt want to, and two scrupulous people were after them to either fleece them of their money or to murder them. Both writers have portrayed the fear and suspense in their stories in a number of different ways. For example, in The Landlady apprehension was created by the use of Italics this was to make certain words noticeable, and to make them stand out from the rest. The Italics also put an emphasis on the words used in the dialogue, which enhanced . In A terribly strange bed the apprehension is created through the silence in the gambling residence. I have also identified the similarities between the stories and mentioned their significance to the stories. There are two differences between the stories which I have become aware of. I have noticed that the audience is much more involved in The Landlady, and that we can guess what is going to happen next. However in A terribly strange bed, Monsieur Faulkner looks like he will be done for, but he escapes his death luckily. The audience is involved in the fright and anticipation at all times, this is directly linked with the way that he recounts this tale. We are told what happens to Monsieur Faulkner, but with the Landlady being an open-ended story we are left to guess what will happen to Billy, whether he will live or die. I have also realised that there is a major difference between the two stories. When reading through the stories I realised that The Landlady concentrates on more on suspense rather than fear. This is because the author is writing a story, and suspense is the key factor in this story. A terribly strange bed concentrates on fear because this is being told from a persons point of view, and he is explaining his emotions in the story. This is how he is portraying his fear throughout the story. He is stating how frightened and afraid he was for his safety while he was at the gambling house.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Cyrus McCormick, Inventor of the Mechanical Reaper

Cyrus McCormick, Inventor of the Mechanical Reaper Cyrus McCormick (February 15, 1809–May 13,  1884), a Virginia blacksmith, invented the mechanical reaper  in 1831. Essentially a horse-drawn machine that harvested wheat, it was one of the most important inventions in the history of farm innovation. The reaper, which one observer  likened to a cross between a wheelbarrow and a chariot, was capable of  cutting six acres of oats in one afternoon, the equivalent of 12 men working with scythes. Fast Facts: Cyrus McCormick Known For: Invented the mechanical reaperKnown As: The Father of Modern AgricultureBorn: February 15, 1809 in Rockbridge County,  VirginiaParents: Robert McCormick, Mary Ann HallDied: May 13, 1884 in Chicago, IllinoisSpouse: Nancy Nettie FowlerChildren: Cyrus McCormick Jr., Harold Fowler McCormickNotable Quote: Indomitable perseverance in a business, properly understood, always ensures ultimate success. Early Life McCormick was born in 1809 in Rockbridge County, Virginia, to Robert McCormick and Mary Ann Hall McCormick, who had migrated from Great Britain. He was the eldest of eight children in a family that was influential in the area. His father was a farmer but also a blacksmith and an inventor. Young McCormick had little formal education, spending his time instead in his fathers workshop. His father held patents for inventing such farm machinery as a clover huller, a blacksmith’s bellows, a hydraulic power machine, and other labor-saving devices for the farm, but after more than 20 years he had failed to come up with a workable, horse-drawn mechanical reaping machine. Cyrus decided to take up the challenge. Seeds of the Reaper McCormicks invention would make him prosperous and famous, but he was a religious young man who believed his mission was to help feed the world. For farmers in the early 19th century, harvesting required a large number of laborers. He set out to reduce the number of hands needed for the harvest. He  drew on the work of many other people in developing the reaper, including that of his father and Jo Anderson, one of his fathers slaves, but he ended up basing his work on principles entirely different from those employed by Robert McCormick. After 18 months, he came up with a working model. His machine had a vibrating cutting blade, a reel to pull the grain within reach of the blade, and a platform to catch the falling grain. He had succeeded, and he was only 22. The first version was rough- it made such a clatter that slaves were assigned to walk with the frightened horses to keep them calm- but it clearly worked. He received a patent for his invention in 1834. Ironically, after he had received the patent, McCormick set aside his invention to focus on his familys iron foundry, which failed in the wake of the bank panic of 1837 and left the family deeply in debt. So he returned to his reaper, setting up production in a shop next to his fathers house and focusing on improvements. He finally sold his first machine in 1840 or 1841, and business slowly took off. Moves to Chicago A visit to the Midwest convinced McCormick that the future of his reaper was in that sprawling, fertile land instead of the rocky soil in the East.  Following more improvements, he and his brother Leander opened a factory in Chicago in 1847 and sold 800 machines that first year. The new venture, the McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., eventually became the largest farm equipment manufacturing firm in the country. In 1851, McCormick gained international fame when his reaper won the Gold Medal at the landmark Great Exposition in Londons Crystal Palace. He became a leading public figure and remained active in Presbyterian causes as well as Democratic politics. In 1871, the  Great Chicago Fire  destroyed McCormicks company, but the family rebuilt it and McCormick continued to innovate. In 1872, he produced a reaper that  automatically bound the bundles with wire. Eight years later, he came out with a binder that, using a knotting device invented by Wisconsin pastor John F. Appleby, bound the handles with twine.  Despite fierce competition and legal battles over patents, the company continued to prosper. Death and Tragedy McCormick died in 1884, and his eldest son, Cyrus Jr., took over as president at only 25 years old. Two years later, though, the business was marked by tragedy. A workers strike in 1886 that involved the McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. eventually turned into one of the worst labor-related riots in American history. By the time the Haymarket Riot ended, seven policemen and four civilians were dead. Charges were brought against eight reputed anarchists: Seven were sentenced to death; one committed suicide in prison, four were hanged, and the sentences of two were commuted to life in prison. Cyrus McCormick Jr. continued as president of the company until 1902, when J.P. Morgan bought it, along with five others, to form the International Harvester Co. Legacy Cyrus McCormick is remembered as â€Å"The Father of Modern Agriculture because he  made it possible for farmers to expand their small, personal farms into much larger operations. His reaping machine brought an end to hours of tedious fieldwork and encouraged the invention and manufacture of other labor-saving  farm implements and machinery. McCormick and his competitors continued to improve their products, leading to such innovations as self-raking reapers, with a continually moving canvas belt that delivered the cut grain to two men riding on the end of the platform, who bundled it.   The reaper was eventually replaced by the self-propelled combine, operated by one man, which cuts, gathers, threshes, and sacks the grain mechanically. But the original reaper was the first step in a transition from hand labor to the mechanized farming of today. It brought about an industrial revolution, as well as a vast change in agriculture. Sources Cyrus McCormick., Cyrus Hall. American National Biography.Cyrus McCormick: American Industrialist and Inventor. Encylopedia Brittanica.Nancy Fowler McCormick. Revolvy.Cyrus McCormick Biography.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Business Intelligence System modeling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Intelligence System modeling - Essay Example In order to remain relevant in a competitive business environment, an organization should have a strong change management strategy that must influence all departments within an organization. In this business model, management processes, supportive processes and operational processes are interlinked to avoid departmental miscommunication. Centralization of information and data is vital in ensuring appropriate decision making process and implementation of an organization’s policy (Tennet &Economic group, 2005). Exponential Smooth This system modeling technique is essential in making future projections that are essential for risk aversion and developing financial strategies that can withstand economi9c shocks. A business may be affected by fiscal and monetary factors that may lead to inflation. As such, it is important for any business to develop computer programs that can utilize present performance of a business to detect future trends. One of the essential concepts that need to be applied is triple exponential smoothing. This business modeling technique takes into account seasonal changes when projecting possible business performance. This technique analyses the present business trends and uses them to make future projections. It takes into account the time variable (t), sequence of best time estimate for seasonal change (b), seasonal correction factor sequence c1, and the expected proportion of the forecasted trend (c2) (Tennet &Economic group, 2005). Data envelopment Data envelopment enhances productivity. It is essential in management and cost accounting department of an organization. This technique is used to measure the productive efficiency of decision making units in the organization. Data envelopment utilizes the cost variable such as labor cost in searching for the lowest unit in any given cost output in order to promote an efficient frontier. Any organization that does not have an efficient frontier is considered as ineffective in a competitive business environment. Different variables that include quality of service, number of employees, and safety of the environment can be analyzed and compared with other companies in order to determine strategies that can enhance business performance. The advantage of this technique is that it has the ability of accommodating a multiplicity of outputs and inputs. It is also essential in calculating efficiency by allowing the analysis of output level and size in determining efficiency. Cost management i s essential for any business because it maximizes profit and minimizes cost. Since one of the major factors of any business is to increase profit, data envelopment is useful because it promotes efficiency of costing techniques and developing managerial decision based on cost accounting data (Tennet &Economic group, 2005). Non linear programming This method uses mathematical optimization in solving non linear problems. It applies equalities and inequalities systems in determining long term business survival strategies. This technique is essential in forecasting an organization’s income statement to determine its profitability. In a typical non- convex problem, it can be used to optimize a specific expense among different forms of expenses to determine one that is economical. For instance, it can minimize transport cost by selecting a transport system that is economical. This technique is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Early stroke Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Early stroke - Essay Example The patient may experience stiffness or spasticity. This can lead to difficulty with motion, mobility and range of motion. These changes affect equilibrium, balance and lead to abnormal walking. Shoulder hand syndrome: 1st stage: begin with tenderness and swelling of the hand and pain lead to limited shoulder and wrist and finger ROM. 2nd stage: further loss of shoulder and hand ROM, severe edema and loss of skin elasticity. 3rd stage: demineralization of bone, severs soft tissue deformity and joint contracture People who suffer from aphasia may be unable to express a basic idea, such as hunger, or remember a single word, like the names of their children. They may not be able to read a newspaper, or even write their name. There are many other changes that result from stroke. On the other hand, are many factors can affect stroke recovery as type of stroke, as it seems that ischemic stroke provide much better able to recover more than the severe type as it destroy the brain cells and have many complications include increased pressure and spasm of blood vessels (Dorhout, 2007). Other factors include timing of rehabilitation as neural plasticity becomes more effective in 1st 6 months of the lesion, so when we start our rehabilitation early it will provide us with a good prognosis and vice versa (Sabine, 2002). The stroke should therefore be treated at an early stage so as to prevent severe conditions that might be fatal. Being one of the Killer diseases the world, precautionary measures should also be put in

The Movie From Earth To Moon And Back Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Movie From Earth To Moon And Back - Essay Example If someone is looking for a big entertainment in the classical style, Georges Mà ©lià ¨s 1902 science fiction film, â€Å"A Trip to the Moon† is certainly the most appropriate option. The movie is based on a group of astronauts who went on the moon. The clip of movie is available online at Youtube the link to which is mentioned at the end. It starts with the scene of a hall filled with several astronauts wearing wizard-like gowns and long pointed hats. Their leader shows them how they can make a trip to the moon by drawing a picture on the blackboard which shows a shuttle moving toward the moon from the earth. The idea gains appreciation and they immediately put on their astronauts’ uniform. They fill in the shuttle and a group of young and beautiful lasses closes the shuttle, and the shuttle is thrown into space with a power gun. The moon shows a man’s face who seems angry to see the approaching shuttle, and to his dismay, the shuttle hits him in the eye. Astronauts come out of the shuttle. Tired after a long journey, they cover themselves with their gowns and sleep at a calm place on the moon. The movie shows human faced-stars and planets watch the group of sleeping astronauts and wonder. The queen of the moon appears sitting on a crescent and she calls for the snowfall. The snowfall wakes the astronauts up who seek refuge in a cave. The cave grows a lot of mushrooms. One of the astronauts stands his umbrella on the moon floor and to his wonder, the umbrella grows into a big mushroom. Then the story gains an action theme. A moon alien appears from somewhere and tries to scare away the astronauts who beat him dead. He vanishes into the air like smoke. After that, more and more moon-aliens emerge and attack the astronauts. They overpower the astronauts and take them to the king alien. The rest of the astronauts run their way back to the shuttle, while a lot of moon-aliens chase them holding arrows to kill them.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Product Lunch Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Product Lunch Presentation - Essay Example However, these advancements had their equal share of success and failure. They were also associated with severe criticism; criticism which resulted from fatal or minor errors committed by practitioners, which have proven to be detrimental to a patient’s life. In addition to that, the scope of these advancements was only limited to carrying out basic medical procedures and even after that they came at a great cost. This deficiency in the field of medical practices combined with the desire of human being to have a healthy and convenient lifestyle influenced researchers and scientists all over the world to come up with an innovative idea. That is when the concept of robotics was introduced into health care system all over the world just like it is used in the field of construction, manufacturing and information technology. Robotics in health care system also witnessed a rapid advancement since the time of its inception. But there were disadvantages associated with this technology that came in the form of huge size, high cost of production and maintenance. Thus the idea of making it portable and cost effective came into limelight and thus efforts were fostered in to achieving this goal. Till now various portable health robots have been developed which can perform basic level medical procedures but some disadvantages associated with them are that they are not user friendly and that their functionality is limited to a certain extent. This is where a new innovation called â€Å"MY HEALTHY ROBOT† developed by me/my company fits into the health care system thereby addressing the deficiencies noted in this line of operation. MY HEALTHY ROBOT – WHAT IS IT? â€Å"My healthy robot† is a user friendly portable health care device which provides an in depth analysis of a client’s health thereby giving easy to read description of the client’s health status as output. Since the output can be easily analyzed by anybody, hence it disqualif ies the need for visiting a doctor to get the results analyzed. It is an advanced device which provides the client with a painless procedure (no needle method) to examine blood sugar level. This process is called the â€Å"Swab Saliva Process† which would only require the client to swab saliva and stick it inside the device and wait for a few minutes and thereafter the robot will dispense the health report. This will offer the client with a convenient method of examining his blood without having to wait for countless of hours in the doctor’s chamber and that too in empty stomach. It displays accurate results within a span of few minutes and hence it is less time consuming. The product also has an additional feature called the â€Å"My baby mode† which will be helpful for pregnant women or anyone taking care of a baby. â€Å"MY HEALTHY ROBOT – PRICING OPTION & FACILITIES† According to Allen & Dare (2004), price of a product or service is a critical factor which attracts and engages customers with the attribute of the product or service. Similar theory has been explained by Anderson & Simester (2003). Product price in general can influence the purchasing decision of a customer (Bizer & Petty, 2002; Coulter, 2001). It can be explained by the fact that buying the product will depend upon the purchasing power of the customer. In light of these theories, efforts have been made to keep the price of the product at an appropriate level in order make the product available to

Alternative Ways of Serving Arrest Warrants Assignment

Alternative Ways of Serving Arrest Warrants - Assignment Example Many occurrences have been witnessed where such attempts to serve people with the arrest warrants has ended up causing violence, harm and death to the officers serving the warrants or to the recipients themselves. When the officers go to serve the individuals concerned with such arrest warrants, the individuals may choose to lock the offices out of their residence, so that they do not receive the warrants. The individuals can also opt to harm the officers serving them with the warrants or even harm themselves to ensure they are not arrested. Non-reception of such arrest warrants would mean that the individuals do not appear in court to answer the charges against them. Currently, many instances where individuals have attempted to block the officers from serving them with arrest warrants have been reported. Therefore, there is a need to seek for alternative ways to serve the concerned people with such warrants of arrest. In light of the above, such alternatives such as serving the arre st warrants to people through messages to their phones and E-mails should be applied. This is helpful in ensuring that the officers serving the arrest warrants do not necessarily have to go to the residence of the individuals concerned. These alternatives can save time and cost, while alleviating the risks associated with presenting the warrants to the physical address. Worth noting, however, is the fact that the courts may not recognize such methods. This limits the alternatives open, leaving only the physical presentation of the warrant as the only practical method.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Product Lunch Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Product Lunch Presentation - Essay Example However, these advancements had their equal share of success and failure. They were also associated with severe criticism; criticism which resulted from fatal or minor errors committed by practitioners, which have proven to be detrimental to a patient’s life. In addition to that, the scope of these advancements was only limited to carrying out basic medical procedures and even after that they came at a great cost. This deficiency in the field of medical practices combined with the desire of human being to have a healthy and convenient lifestyle influenced researchers and scientists all over the world to come up with an innovative idea. That is when the concept of robotics was introduced into health care system all over the world just like it is used in the field of construction, manufacturing and information technology. Robotics in health care system also witnessed a rapid advancement since the time of its inception. But there were disadvantages associated with this technology that came in the form of huge size, high cost of production and maintenance. Thus the idea of making it portable and cost effective came into limelight and thus efforts were fostered in to achieving this goal. Till now various portable health robots have been developed which can perform basic level medical procedures but some disadvantages associated with them are that they are not user friendly and that their functionality is limited to a certain extent. This is where a new innovation called â€Å"MY HEALTHY ROBOT† developed by me/my company fits into the health care system thereby addressing the deficiencies noted in this line of operation. MY HEALTHY ROBOT – WHAT IS IT? â€Å"My healthy robot† is a user friendly portable health care device which provides an in depth analysis of a client’s health thereby giving easy to read description of the client’s health status as output. Since the output can be easily analyzed by anybody, hence it disqualif ies the need for visiting a doctor to get the results analyzed. It is an advanced device which provides the client with a painless procedure (no needle method) to examine blood sugar level. This process is called the â€Å"Swab Saliva Process† which would only require the client to swab saliva and stick it inside the device and wait for a few minutes and thereafter the robot will dispense the health report. This will offer the client with a convenient method of examining his blood without having to wait for countless of hours in the doctor’s chamber and that too in empty stomach. It displays accurate results within a span of few minutes and hence it is less time consuming. The product also has an additional feature called the â€Å"My baby mode† which will be helpful for pregnant women or anyone taking care of a baby. â€Å"MY HEALTHY ROBOT – PRICING OPTION & FACILITIES† According to Allen & Dare (2004), price of a product or service is a critical factor which attracts and engages customers with the attribute of the product or service. Similar theory has been explained by Anderson & Simester (2003). Product price in general can influence the purchasing decision of a customer (Bizer & Petty, 2002; Coulter, 2001). It can be explained by the fact that buying the product will depend upon the purchasing power of the customer. In light of these theories, efforts have been made to keep the price of the product at an appropriate level in order make the product available to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Eucharist Sacrament Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Eucharist Sacrament - Research Paper Example The researcher paper "Eucharist sacrament" puts more emphasis on the Eucharist which is also regarded as Holy Communion. The holy Sacrament began the day Jesus gathered his disciples in a quite and orderly room for the last supper. This marked his major mingle with his disciples and was acting as a reminder in their lives and even the generations that were to come. He ordered for certain bread made in specific ways, for instance, it was to be unleavened, meaning it was to have no additives but be made from pure wheat. He then taught them on the importance and implication of the occasion before the actual partaking. He then blessed the bread and wine and ordered his disciples to partake in his remembrance. Jesus the broke the bread and gave to the disciples to symbolize his fleas while the wine symbolized his blood. The disciples kept on with the ritual even after their master ascended to heaven, and this has extended even to the current Christians. The sacrament was a symbol o unity, love, loyalty and commitment to the Christian faith (CCC, 1323). Catholics and other Christians from different beliefs do take the holy communion to mark the sacrificial ritual and as a meal, or rather the spiritual nourishment. The ritual involves the taking of wine and bread which symbolize the blood and body of Christ. The sacrament also draws humankind closer to God, as it purifies the soul and sparks God’s Grace in the Christian lives. The sacrament also acts as a bridge between humankind and God’s promises, according to the new covenant. ... Catholics do appreciate the fact that light and darkness can never tolerate each other, and that is the reason they purify their hearts for God’s mercy and work be manifested in their lives. Some Catholics even fast a day or two before the sacrament. This is to kill the flesh and nourish the spirit so that God may be pleased and His deeds be manifested in the Church. Christians, faith is set to grow as they take various sacraments from one stage to the next. A Christian life is meant to follow a certain order as indicated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. One is confirmed then baptized just as it happened in Jesus’ life. The sacrament of the Eucharist is meant for a mature Christian, not in age but in faith. One is to be taught the meaning of the sacrament before the actual partaking. Eucharist sacrament is a way of fulfilling Jesus’ command to the disciples to partake the wine and bread to symbolize his body and blood as a remembrance. A Christian is mean t to attend some specific teachings to understand the influence of the ritual in Christians’ lives. Jesus had to teach his disciples the importance of the last supper before the actual breaking of bread. To follow Jesus’ example, a holy priest or teacher is meant to teach the church or remind the church on some basic principles with regard to the ritual before the actual partaking of the bread. These include but not limited to forgiving one another as Christians, repenting to God, telling God any yolk in your life and making peace with fellow human among others. The priest or teacher taking the process should provide humble time for Christians to make peace among themselves and the almighty. The priest or teacher then prays for the bread and then each Christian

Jahari Window Essay Example for Free

Jahari Window Essay The Johari Window, named after the first names of its inventors, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, is one of the most useful models describing the process of human interaction. A four paned window divides personal awareness into four different types, as represented by its four quadrants: open, hidden, blind, and unknown. The lines dividing the four panes are like window shades, which can move as an interaction progresses (Daft, 2011 pg. 273-276). The Johari Window concept would be particularly helpful for leaders to promote understanding employee/employer relationships and is a simple and useful tool for illustrating and improving self-awareness, and mutual understanding between individuals within a group. The Johari Window actually represents information such as feelings, experience, views, attitudes, skills, intentions, motivation, etc, within or about a person, in relation to their group, from four perspectives (Daft, 2011, pg. 275). The Johari Window model can also be used to represent the same information for a group in relation to other groups. Johari Window terminology refers to self and others: self means oneself, ie, the person subject to the Johari Window analysis. Others means other people in the persons group or team (Dart, 2011, pg. 275). The Johari window, essentially being a model for communication, can also reveal difficulties in this area. In Johari terms, two people attempt to communicate via the open quadrants. On the simplest level, difficulties may arise due to a lack of clarity in the interaction, such as poor grammar or choice of words, unorganized thoughts, faulty logic etc. This induces the receiver to criticize you, the sender, by revealing something that was in your blind quadrant. Then, if the feedback works, you correct it immediately, or perhaps on a more long term approach take a course in reading and writing. On a deeper level, you may be in a group meeting, and while you secretly sympathize with the minority viewpoint, you voted with the majority. However, blind to you, you actually may be communicating this information via body language, in conflict with your verbal message. On an even deeper level, you in an interaction with others, may always put on a smiling, happy face, hiding all negative feelings. By withholding negative feelings, you may be signaling to your friends to withhold also, and keep their distance. Thus, your communication style may seem bland or distant (Chapman, 2010).

Monday, October 14, 2019

Case Study Example of Reflective Listening in Counselling

Case Study Example of Reflective Listening in Counselling Case: Savita is a 33 year old woman. Her marriage broke up more than 10 months ago. Prakash and Savita had been married for ten years, and had two children, Rakesh aged 6 and Rohan aged 18 months. Currently both children are with Savita. Savita came for counselling after being referred by her Family Doctor who thinks she has early signs of depression. Background Savita and Prakash met in college where they were studying BCS. After graduating they both worked in separate companies and were dating for many years before getting married. Savita continued her job after marriage until the birth of their first child Rakesh, Savita took a break and to work part time. Prakash worked full time and received a number of promotions. Savita was working part time until the birth of their second child Rohan, then she again took a break to look after both her children. She got a new job and was about to start to work when one day Prakash shocked her by informing her that he was leaving her for another woman who worked at his office. A month later Prakash moved out of their home. He has not contacted Savita or the children since then. Savita has too depressed to return to work and is now in danger of losing her job with the company. Session Details Upon Savita’s arrival, the Counsellor spent some time developing speaking to Savita to make her feel comfortable and at ease. Counsellor began the session by asking Savita whether she had any questions about the counsellor and answered them about her experience and work in counselling. Counsellor proceeded to ask Savita what had brought her to counselling. Savita kept staring at the floor and after a few seconds started crying, â€Å"My husband left me. He likes another woman; I just can’t get over it.† Counsellor responded with a paraphrase and reflection of feeling â€Å"You sound devastated by the behaviour of your husband Savita.† Savita replied â€Å"Yes I am, but it was many months ago, I should get on with my life. I don’t know why I am still so upset. My family and friends are saying that I have to move on. But I miss Prakash so much and the children cry for him every day.† Counsellor: â€Å"So, you and the children are still very sad and yet your family and close friends think that it is about time you started living again?† Savita: â€Å"Yes, maybe I am taking too long to get over him. What do you think?† Counsellor: â€Å"Let me ask you Savita. Do you think six months is long enough for your sadness about your marriage?† Savita: â€Å"No I don’t.† Counsellor: â€Å"And you’re the only one knows how you are feeling and whether you can get over your marriage with Prakash, Savita.† Savita continued her story about her life with Prakash and how she has struggled for the last ten months without Prakash. Savita described the traumatic situation and how she is has looked after the children on limited income. She also spoke about her fears and uncertainty about her own and her children’s future. Counsellor focused on Savita to encourage her to speak about her feelings and her pain. Counsellor summarized Savita’s issues and said â€Å"Savita, you’ve just described a very traumatic time in your life you must have had to make a lot of adjustments to your life during this time. You have the responsibility of two children, you have to take care of the house and manage your finances. At the same time you are facing a lot of pain with regard to your marriage. That is quite a lot that you are managing in your life right now. † Savita: â€Å"Yes, my situation is very bad. It didn’t seem so bad when Prakash was living with us.† Savita cried a lot and told the Counsellor about her childhood dream about getting married in a joint family how they show on TV and in the romantic Yash Johar family movies. She continued to cry about how she will never be able to fulfil that dream. She also spoke about her feelings of anger and blamed herself for not being able to deal with her situation and be a good parent. Through open questions, paraphrases and thoughts, Counsellor was able to help Savita her feelings of anger and also helped he understand what being a ‘good mother’ meant to her. Savita spoke about her own mother who was a stay at home full time Mom. They also spoke about different parenting lifestyles of the past and today. How the role of women has changed in the Indian society and how friends and relatives are treating Savita. Savita said that she missed her job and the satisfaction it gave her to have a career. Counsellor helped reveal Savita’s feelings and understand what Savita liked about her work and her strengths and capabilities. Savita: â€Å"I am thinking that , maybe I could talk to my organisation to get me to work part time for a while until I can get my life organised a bit better. I have a few family member and friends who might be able to help me out with the children.† Counsellor smiled at Savita and helped her make up her mind for herself and her future. Savita: â€Å"Yes, I will speak to my boss on about it.† Then, Savita’s looked more relaxed and comfortable. Counsellor asked if there was anything else she’d like to talk about today. Looking at her watch said that the children would be waiting for her. She also said that if she needed to talk she would come back. Counsellor replied that she was most welcome and wished her luck. Session Summary In the session, Savita was given the freedom to talk about her pain in a place full of empathy, genuineness and unconditional positive regard. A Case Study 1 Samantha is a 38-year-old Anglo-Indian woman who had abused a number of substances, including cocaine, heroine, alcohol, and marijuana over the past 15 years. She left high school and worked as a prostitute for 5 years. Later she found a job as a sales clerk at a home furnishings store. Samantha had two children in her early twenties, a daughter who is now 15, and a son, aged 18. Because of her substance abuse problems, they lived with other relatives who agreed to raise them. Samantha was in treatment repeatedly and had remained substance free for the last 5 years, with several minor relapses. She had been married for 2 years, to Steve, a carpenter; he was substance free and supported her attempts to stay away from substances. Few months ago she became symptomatic with AIDS. She was diagnosed with HIV-positive for 5 years but had not developed any illnesses related to the disease. Samantha had practiced safe sex with her husband who knew of her HIV status. Recently, after learning from the physician at her clinic about her HIV symptoms, she began to shoot up, which led her back into treatment. Out of fear, she came to visit a counselor at the clinic one day after work who she was asked to meet by her physician. She looked all worried about her marriage and that her husband would be devastated by this news. She was afraid she was no longer strong enough to stay away from drugs since discovering the onset of AIDS. She was also concerned about her children and her job. Uncertain of how she would keep on living, she was also terrified of dying. The counsellor engaged in reflective listening, his words were of acceptance to Samantha and her past, and he clarified her current situation and feelings. He was empathetic of her emotions and feelings and was in complete congruence with her mood and thought flow. As Samantha developed trust in the counsellor, he began to emphasize her positive characteristics and her potential to make meaningful choices to become the person she wanted to (and could) become. The counsellor also helped her develop sufficient insight so that she could make choices that reflect more closely the values and principles to which she aspired. During this time, she mentioned her will to tell her husband about her symptoms and try to strengthen her marriage. During the session, when Samantha began to feel guilty about her past as a prostitute, the counsellor demonstrated appreciation of her struggle to accept that aspect of herself, highlighting the fact that she did eventually choose to leave it. He mentioned that she did the best she could at that time and underscore her current commitment to choose a better life. He counselled Samantha, that she would be supported and accepted, not criticized. She was completely engaged with the counsellor. She expressed her fear of death and the effect this fear had on her. Samantha happened to mention that this was the first time in her life that someone was unconditionally accepting of her or focused on her strengths rather than her failings. What was noticed was that she had the ability to solve problems, which was reflected by her return to counselling and her insight about needing help. She mentioned that by being understood and accepted, her self-esteem and sense of hope begun to increase and h er shame begun to decrease. She had felt supported in making critical choices in her life and more confident to resume her recovery. A Case Study 2 Shashank was a 36 year old man who worked as an admin employee for a small family business. The business was failing and Shashank was worried that he would probably have to begin the process of â€Å"winding it up† in the near future. His commitment to the business and his friends, the business owners, had intensified the level of stress he was feeling as a result of the business collapse. He had taken a week off work on sick leave and felt too â€Å"stressed† to return to work. Revati, Shashank’s wife, had contacted the counselor because she was greatly concerned for her husband. She was worried that Shashank was depressed as he was refusing to go to work. She stated that he had agreed to attend counseling if she organized an appointment, however he did not think it would help him. Shashank attended four sessions with the counselor over a ten week period. Shashank had reported the following symptoms: decreased motivation particularly in relation to his work, unu sual outbursts of anger, anxiety whenever he thinks about his work or attends his workplace, and difficulty sleeping. He stated that these symptoms commenced when he realized that the business he was working for might begin to fold and have increased to the point that he is finding it difficult to complete his usual tasks and â€Å"doesn’t want to do anything†. At the first session, the counselor engaged in reflective listening, his words were of acceptance to Shashank and his situation, and he clarified his current situation and feelings. He was empathetic of his emotions and feelings and was in complete congruence with her mood and thought flow. As Shashank developed trust in the counselor, he began to tell the counselor a lot of facts that were lying deep within him. He told the counselor that he had worked as an admin employee in small businesses for the last twelve years. About eight years ago he was working with another business that required him to close it down . He described that experience as extremely distressful. He felt that the process had involved a loss of loyalty from organizations associated with the business and that he saw this as a â€Å"personal attack† against him. He also felt he had been exposed to people who would do everything they could to get as much as possible from a â€Å"crumbling company†. In the next session, Shashank reported that he felt he was â€Å"depressed† (using his own understanding of the term). He stated that the depression began as the retail business he was working for started deteriorating. During that time he felt betrayed by people he had trusted and he felt â€Å"conned† and tricked by many â€Å"colleagues†, and as a result, he had felt like a failure. He stated that he was now experiencing an extreme fear of having to go through the same experience again. The counselor identified the seriousness of the events that had led to his level of stress and normalized Shashank’s reaction. To manage the current level of stress that Shashank was experiencing, the counselor recommended he continue his temporary respite from work and that he had to implement some relaxation strategies like regular exercise, doing things that he enjoys and things that he finds relaxing. Shashank was very concerned about what he should do about his retu rn to work. He said that he did not feel that he could go back. The counselor suggested that he try not to think about the decision concerning his return to work until the next session which was in two weeks In the following session, Shashank reported that he felt â€Å"more relaxed†, although he continued to feel unmotivated to return to work. He described walking regularly and avoiding worrying too much about work. He also said that he had gone into work for two brief periods during the two weeks and had experienced a high level of stress and frustration when he did, although he reported some comfort from the use of the relaxation methods. The counselor used a four step decision-making model to assist Shashank to come to a decision about his work. Step One: What is the problem? Step Two: What are the options and what are the relevant issues associated with each one? Step Three: What is the best option? Step Four: What do you need to do to implement the best option (include possible contingency plans)? The counselor suggested that Shashank had to develop a written plan for managing and balancing all the aspects of his life (relaxation, enjoyment, hobbies, family relationships, and work) that would be reviewed at the next appointment. In the third session, Shashank explained that he had taken a holiday for a week with his wife and had returned â€Å"refreshed† and with new insights into his life. He also stated that his stress continued to reduce. He described a â€Å"new conviction† to balance his life more. At that point, he felt he might be able to return to the workplace full-time, or he might decide to resign from his position and move to another area to start again. He said that he realised that when he has no clear direction and feels out of control, he gets very stressed. He described these things as the triggers for the stress he has felt in this situation and similar situations in the past. He therefore decided to ensure that he always has a sense of direction and control in the whole of his life by taking the focus away from work. The counselor supported and encouraged his continued self-reflection and determination. This move is based on his decision to balance his life more and he was ex cited about his family’s plans. He had commenced playing a sport with friends one night a week and was walking regularly. He stated that he had realised it would take some time to change his measure of success / failure, however, he would continue to address it.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Free Essays - I Found Timelessness :: Personal Narrative, Descriptive Essay

I Found Timelessness    Today, waiting on the schoolhouse steps, I saw something I had never seen before. My back against the warm brick wall, in happy prospect, I stared abstracted towards the red-orange of autumn on a tree. At the very center of my concentration was a single leaf; a torn yellow-green, not even red yet. But it fell. I saw the precise moment of release - the instant the leaf actually disconnected from the branch. It was the brevity of perfection. Partition in sunderance, an umbilicus severed, a future unlatched; an end and a beginning. There was an eternity within; the filial unity, the brief struggle for escape, then the sudden absence of support; and from an empathic vicariousness I found myself within.    I found my entire life in the transience of an instant; I sat up, in respect and humility. The leaf swung in descending pendulum. I rose to grab it, then stopped. I was standing in a small pile of wet and shredded leaves. The leaf, lifted by a breeze, slowed, suspended, paused then rolled over on itself. I knew that one day this leaf too, would crumble into a crust of sinew and stem - so I let the leaf continue, rising upward.    The leaf waltzed in an orbit around itself. Others fell around it, but I kept my attention. This leaf was lighter. It took its time. The torn yellow leaf, because of its shape, spun differently than the rest. The leaf was continually tossed up in irregular oscillations, gaining further distance, until it came near the wall of the building. As the wind approached the brick schoolhouse, the air was forced up and over, trying to pull the leaf along with it.    The leaf reached up, against gravity, and against the lacerated shreds below. It hung, pulled up and down by destiny and self-aspiration.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Free Essays on Vouchers, School Choice, and Charter Schools :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

School Choice and Charter Schools    I am not so sure I am for or against the idea of school choice as much as the idea for educational equality. If school choice and charter schools are the way this country will gain equity in the schools then I am for school choice. I feel that the impoverished are not going to get the best education that is available to them in their area. If the town fifteen miles away is a much better school, both educationally and developmentally, then I believe that the student that goes to school A should have the opportunity to attend school B. Why should someone who was born into an underpriviledged home live an underpriviledged life? This child did not choose to be born into this family, so I believe we should give them some kind of choice in their lives. A good education, along with other assets that one can gain through education, is the answer to bettering one's life. It gives these childrenm the choice to make a different life for themselves and for their children.    I am not so sure that there is an ideal school choice program, but then again does there really have to be? Choice is choice. If I am given the opportunity to choose, I will most likely make the right decision or I will fix the mistake that I made. If people are given the chance to better their lives, they will take that opportunity, if they are smart. We, as change agents, are not responsible to hold the hands of those who do not take the bull by the horn! There is only so much people can do for others. Give them the choice, and if they take it greeat, and if they don't, what else can we possibly do.    I think the only responsibilty of the change agents are to inform the public of their choices. Let the public know what is out there, and what the benefits are to school choice. Most people are going to wonder why they should take the trouble to transport their children to a school that might be a little farther than the school in the neighborhood. I believe that it is also very important to give many choices. I think it would be a mistake to limit the students to certain schools. Free Essays on Vouchers, School Choice, and Charter Schools :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics School Choice and Charter Schools    I am not so sure I am for or against the idea of school choice as much as the idea for educational equality. If school choice and charter schools are the way this country will gain equity in the schools then I am for school choice. I feel that the impoverished are not going to get the best education that is available to them in their area. If the town fifteen miles away is a much better school, both educationally and developmentally, then I believe that the student that goes to school A should have the opportunity to attend school B. Why should someone who was born into an underpriviledged home live an underpriviledged life? This child did not choose to be born into this family, so I believe we should give them some kind of choice in their lives. A good education, along with other assets that one can gain through education, is the answer to bettering one's life. It gives these childrenm the choice to make a different life for themselves and for their children.    I am not so sure that there is an ideal school choice program, but then again does there really have to be? Choice is choice. If I am given the opportunity to choose, I will most likely make the right decision or I will fix the mistake that I made. If people are given the chance to better their lives, they will take that opportunity, if they are smart. We, as change agents, are not responsible to hold the hands of those who do not take the bull by the horn! There is only so much people can do for others. Give them the choice, and if they take it greeat, and if they don't, what else can we possibly do.    I think the only responsibilty of the change agents are to inform the public of their choices. Let the public know what is out there, and what the benefits are to school choice. Most people are going to wonder why they should take the trouble to transport their children to a school that might be a little farther than the school in the neighborhood. I believe that it is also very important to give many choices. I think it would be a mistake to limit the students to certain schools.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Affects of Gender on Intelligence

The Effect of Gender on an IQ – Spatial Intelligence Introduction Intelligence is the capability to take in new information and adapt to situations. It is derived from both genetics and environment. Genetics are the part that genes play in a person’s life. It is also questioned that different levels of different types of intelligence are based on whether a person is male or female. Howard Gardner suggested that there are multiple types of intelligence, those of which are: linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinaesthetic, naturalistic, interpersonal and intrapersonal.These intelligences make up the IQ of an individual. Types of intelligences: * Linguistic: the ability one has with of words. * Logical-mathematical: the use calculation. * Musical: sound and rhythm. * Spatial: the use of spacing and where the placing of things are in comparison to one another. * Bodily-Kinaesthetic: the use of body and motion. * Naturalistic: the awareness one has wit h their natural environment. * Interpersonal: the use of interaction with other people. * Intrapersonal: the understanding of one’s self.A previous experiment conducted shows the differences between levels of spatial intelligence in males and females and how it can be changed, stating that the findings ‘found that playing an action video game can virtually eliminate this gender difference in spatial attention and simultaneously decrease the gender disparity in mental rotation ability’ (Playing an Action Video Game Reduces Gender Differences in Spatial Cognition – 1990). It stated that ‘women benefit[ed] more than men’. The aim of this experiment is: to investigate the effect of gender on multiple types of intelligence, specifically spatial intelligence.Hypothesis: It is believed that the majority of males have more spatial intelligence than females. Independent Variables: gender Dependent Variables: level of intelligence Method Participants Eq ual amount of 12 girls and 12 boys from the two current (2013) Year 11 Loyola College Psychology classes aged 16 to 17 years. Materials * Task Sheet * Computers with internet * IQ quiz handout Procedure As Seen on ‘Unit 2 Psychology APS 2 SAC 1: ERA Intelligence’ – Task Sheet (refer to appendix) 1. You will form a pair where the 1st person will do puzzle 1 and the 2nd will do puzzle 2. 2. Person 1 Go to the website below complete the puzzle ttp://www. onlinejigsawpuzzles. net/animals_14_polar_bear. htm 3. Record the time required to complete the test and gender of the participant on the table attached. 4. Person 2 to go to the below website and repeated the process above http://www. onlinejigsawpuzzles. net/animals_11_parrot. htm 5. Now complete the questions 1-10 on the IQ quiz handout on logical reason. 6. Correct your questions. 7. Give your results table to either Mr Hong or Ms Ray so that the result may be collated. Results Spatial Test Scores Table: Test Sc ore| No. of Girls | No. of Boys| 8| 1| 3| 7| 4| 2| 6| 1| 2| 5| 5| 4| 4| 0| 1| 3| 1| 0|Mean: Girls – 5. 83 Boys – 6. 16 Median: Girls – 5. 5 Boys – 6 Mode: Girls – 5 Boys – 5 Graph: Statement of Table and Graph: These results are from a Spatial Intelligence test. The highest scores given were four eights one of which was achieved by a female and the other three by males. The lowest score given to females was a three and the lowest score given to males was a four. On average males scored higher than females with the average score for both categories (male and female) being a score of five. Jigsaw Puzzle Times Table: Times in Minutes:| No. of Girls:| No. of Boys:| 4:00 – 4:59| 3| 0| 5:00 – 5:59| 3| 4| :00 – 6:59| 3| 4| 7:00 – 7:59 | 0| 2| 8:00 – 8:59| 1| 2| 9:00 – 9:59| 2| 0| Mean: For girls and boys – 6:00 – 6:59 Median: Girls – 5:00 to 5:59 Boys – 6:00 to 6:59 Mode: Girls à ¢â‚¬â€œ 4:00 – 4:59, 5:00 – 5:59, 6:00 – 6:59 Boys – 5:00 – 5:59, 6:00 – 6:59 Graph: (in minutes) (in minutes) Statement of Table and Graph: The Jigsaw Puzzle time results ranged from above four minutes to below 10 minutes. The specific male range was between five minutes to 8 minutes and 59 seconds. Over half of both males and females scored between 5 minutes and 6 minutes 59 seconds. The quickest time and the longest time were both completed by females.Discussion In this experiment the hypothesis was supported in the Spatial awareness test with the majority of males performing at a higher level of spatial intelligence compared to females but not supported in the Puzzle as the majority of females finished their puzzles in a shorter time than males. In the spatial intelligence tests the males had a higher average than females with a quarter of the males achieving the top score compared to the one female. This is not as much shown in the puzz le completion times where, although the lowest score was achieved by a female, the highest score was ompleted by a female as well as the majority of the shortest times were done by females. Males had a smaller range though, with their scores a little more consistent than females. These results suggest that males do tend to have more spatial awareness compared to females but does not mean that there are not exceptions to this suggestion. This may because males, especially within the age range selected for this experiment, have a higher tendency to be playing action video games which in earlier experiments have suggested can improve and maintain a higher level of spatial awareness.Variables could include the past experience of the subjects including interests, availability to mind games and information, previous intelligence tests conducted, etc. as well as the mood and energy of the person and the time the test was conducted. Improvements could include having all subjects tested at t he same time and under quitter conditions without communication. No ethical consideration was given with the exception of the task sheet briefing for the subjects. No debriefing or acknowledgment of agreement to the experiment was given.As the participants were under the age of 18 an improvement for next time would be to have parental consent to the participation of the experiment. It is concluded that in this experiment males showed a higher ability in spatial awareness. This information suggests that gender does in fact have an effect on intelligence levels but does not mean that there are not exceptions to this suggestion. References * Feng J. , Spence I. , & Pratt J. (1990) Playing an Action Video Game Reduces Gender Differences in Spatial Cognition University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Edwards R. , Blaher-Lucas E. , Marangio K. , Moore V. (2010) Oxford Psychology Units 1 & 2 Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Appendices Appendix 1 – L ink to puzzle page Appendix 2 – Participant data/Raw data Unit 2 Psychology AOS 2 SAC 1: ERA Intelligence The Task: To investigate the effect of gender on multiple types of intelligence, specifically spatial awareness. You will conduct the experiment along the following guidelines. 8. You will form a pair where the 1st person will do puzzle 1 and the 2nd will do puzzle 2. 9.Person 1 Go to the website below complete the puzzle http://www. onlinejigsawpuzzles. net/animals_14_polar_bear. htm. 10. Record the time required to complete the test and gender of the participant on the table attached. 11. Pearson 2 to go to the below website and repeate the process above http://www. onlinejigsawpuzzles. net/animals_11_parrot. htm 12. Now complete the questions 1-10 on the IQ quiz handout on logical reason. 13. Correct your questions. 14. Give your results table to either Mr Hong or Ms Ray so that the result may be collated. The Written Report:The written report must be written under the following headings: Title Introduction Method Results Discussion/conclusion References Appendices All aspects of this ERA will be completed at home. You will be given the ERA in the last week of term 3. The final ERA will be due via email on the 19th of October. If you wish to hand in a draft of the ERA it must be given to your teacher by 5th October. Introduction (250-500 words)- The introduction must provide: * Rationale for this experiment * Exploration and discussion of any key theories and concepts related to this experiment from past research. Identification and discussion of the key concepts involved in this experiment that can be used to explain the results * Stated aim of the experiment * Identification of the dependent and independent variables of the experiment * A stated operational hypothesis Method (150 words)- The method must include: * Participants, Materials, Procedure written according to Lab Report conventions * Information regarding the characteristics of your e xperimental design, participant selection and reference to ethical procedure Results (no word limit)- The results must include: At least one annotated table and an overall statement of results. This must be manipulated in order to present it in a fashion that is ideal for the manner in which you will interpret the data in your discussion Discussion/Conclusion (400-600 words)- The Discussion/Conclusions must include: * A reference to the support or unsupported operational hypothesis * A valid justification for your opinion * Valid inferences from the raw data and results * A discussion regarding how the ideas provided in the introduction are supported or not by your findings * Generalization of findings * Extraneous/confounding variables Conclusion and possible improvements As a final note: * The world limit must be adhered to with a 10% variation both ways. Excess words will not be considered in the grading process (the title, abstract, results, all in-text references, graph/table t itles and annotations, appendices and final reference lists are not included in word count) * All work must utilize in-text referencing (Harvard Style) and provide references * All work must be typed in size 12 (Calibri or Times New Roman font) * All tables, graphs and pictures must be labeled and annotated * Appendices must be included.If referred to in your Lab Report, there must be a clear indication as to which specific areas of the appendices is being utilized. * PLAGARISM FROM ANY RESOURCE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Any identified plagiarism will result in that section of the Lab Report being removed and not considered in the grading process. In the case of work being copied from another student, BOTH students involved will face disciplinary actions based upon VCAA guidelines that may result in an ‘N’ grade for Unit 2 Psychology.Grade Criteria and Structure for SAC 1b Unit 2 Psychology Name: Criteria: Introduction| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0| Identification and exploration of su perordinate goals and other theories and concepts relevant to the experiment| | | | | | | Evidence of research and explanation of concepts relevant to the experiment. | | | | | | | Identification and use of IV and DV in an operational hypothesis| | | | | | | TOTAL: /15| Criteria: Method| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0|Identification of key process in developing a method| | | | | | | Identification and explanation of the utilized experimental design| | | | | | | TOTAL: /10| Criteria: Results| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0| Ability to manipulate raw data into a meaningful format and presentation (Creation and use of accurate data graphs and tables) | | | | | | | Accurate identification of key statistical information from raw data (Mean, median, mode and/or other relevant statistics)| | | | | | | TOTAL: /10|Criteria: Discussion and Conclusion| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0| Accurate and justified identification of support/no support for operational hypothesis| | | | | | | Proposed explanation of results in relation to acquir ed data| | | | | | | Proposed explanation of results in relation to researched theories and concepts relevant to the experiment| | | | | | | Exploration of the relevance of the results to the areas of reducing prejudice| | | | | | | Identification and discussion of extraneous variables and improvements to the experiment| | | | | | | Identification and summation of general conclusions to the population based upon the established data | | | | | | | TOTAL: /30| Criteria: Overall Requirements| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0| Quality of referencing and research, and overall written quality and presentation of the ERA| | | | | | | TOTAL: /5| Total Score: /70 ( %) Comments: Recording table | Gender (male/female)| Time (in seconds)| Participant 1| | | Participant 2| | | ______________________________________________________________________________ Articles for your reference in completing this ERA Go to the following links to read articles related to spatial intelligence and gender. http://pss. sagepub. com/content/18/10/850. full http://pss. sagepub. com/content/4/1/35. full. pdf+htmlThe following websites contain information on multiple intelligences http://www. tecweb. org/styles/gardner. html http://www. infed. org/thinkers/gardner. htm Raw DataFemale Participants| Gender| Score on test| Jigsaw puzzle time| 1| f| 7| 5:07| 2| f| 5| 4:48| 3| f| 7| 4:42| 4| f| 7| 6:25| 5| f| 5| 9:35| 6| f| 5| 9:33| 7| f| 8| 4:58| 8| f| 3| 8:16| 9| f| 7| 5:27| 10| f| 5| 6:40| 11| f| 5| 6:24| 12| f| 6| 5:43| Male Participants| Gender| Score on test| Jigsaw puzzle time| 1| m| 7| 5:10| 2| m| 6| 6:31| 3| m| 8| 6:00| 4| m| 7| 6:22| 5| m| 5| 8:39| 6| m| 8| 5:48| 7| m| 5| 6:04| 8| m| 8| 5:18| 9| m| 5| 7:21| 10| m| 5| 7:39| 11| m| 6| 5:39| 12| m| 4| 8:17|

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Companies What Does the Company Provide? How many employees were hired out of how many applied? What Fringe Benefits are offered? What possibilities for advancements are there? What Is the average salary? What is the work environment/job satisfaction ranking? Google Inc. Google is a global company that develops technology including web browsers, smoothness, smart contact lenses and social media APS to help keep people connected. Over the past year:1,267,959 people applied for a job at Google; of those people only 8,968 got a job.There are usually 140 applicants per job opening. Benefits include medical and retirement as well as on-site facilities and healthy free food. Google has an interest in advancing their employees careers. They give recognition and provide promotions to those who furthered their advancement in technology. Associate Account Strategist, BAA Program Software Engineer The work environment is friendly. Google provides all sorts of on-site facilities to make sure the employees are taken care of. Google is ranked #1 corporation to work for, 97% of the workers agree.ASS ASS uses analytic software to help companies and researchers crunch data onto manageable chunks that provide both insight and fresh perspective. There are usually 43 applicants per job opening. Over the past year: 52,people applied for a job; of those people, 239 got a job. At ASS, 87% of employees often or almost always find the company compensates them fairly, provides special benefits. They provide medical benefits on site and health insurance. Also provide programs to employees so they can enjoy a break time. You can get promoted based on your performance and skill. Promotions are given to those who earn it.Salaries vary in what specific division you want to work in. They range from: $60,000 to $100,000 The work environment is considered great. ASS provides all the essentials for employees to succeed with a level of comfort. They provide places that other companies wouldn't, ( ex. Daycare). 83% of employees would agree that ASS goes above and beyond in providing them an excellent work environment BCC Provide management consulting services to Fortune 500 companies, as well as mid-sized companies, non-profits, and government agencies. Over 400 applicants only about 6 applicants would get the job offer.The review doesn't mention specific benefits, but you can choose where and when you want to work as long as you complete the required amount of work This company doesn't mention promotions but employees are able to choose what they want to do in the company; what organizations they want to cooperate with, etc. Depending on what company Or organization the employer decides to negotiate with, will contribute to their salary. Working at BCC is incredible, 98% of employees say they are proud to work here and don't ever want to leave. Edward Jones Provide financial advice to nearly 7 million individual investors in the U. S. ND Canada through more than 1 1,000 bran ch offices. Employees: 38,01 5 This company does not mention benefits assume that health insurance is included. Edward Jones gives recognition to their employees. They are also eligible to receive bonuses based on their work performance. The average income for an employee is $90,000. Incomes increase by the number of years an employee has been working for the company. 98 percent of employees say Edward Jones is a friendly place to work, and more than nine in 10 say people are willing to give extra to get the job done, that you can count on people to cooperate, and there's a â€Å"team† or â€Å"family† feeling.